The story of Jonah is repeated in all 3 volumes of the Word of God recognized by believers. He rejected God's call to preach salvation to unbelievers. God saved him from certain drowning by preparing a giant fish to swallow him. The fish brought him safely to shore.
The result was this prophet had his life restored by the miracle of God. His message permitted huge numbers of people to see and believe God. The sign of the fish connects Jonah's miracle to that of Jesus' resurrection (Matthew 16:4).
Pray that many in the 3 faiths will find themselves sharing the space inside God's kingdom--the sign of Jonah--the sign of God's sacrifice for all who will believe.
The result was this prophet had his life restored by the miracle of God. His message permitted huge numbers of people to see and believe God. The sign of the fish connects Jonah's miracle to that of Jesus' resurrection (Matthew 16:4).
Pray that many in the 3 faiths will find themselves sharing the space inside God's kingdom--the sign of Jonah--the sign of God's sacrifice for all who will believe.